Late Autumn Songs Ryoshuu- 旅愁 "Fukeyuku aki no yo tabi no sora no" - Experience the melancholic 'Ryoshuu'. Explore its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, capturing the sentiment of travel and homesickness. AutumnLate Autumn Songs
Early Autumn Songs Kono michi – この道 "Kono michi wa itsuka kita michi" - Explore the nostalgic path of 'Kono Michi'. Discover its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, reflecting on a beloved road. AutumnEarly Autumn Songs
Late Summer Songs Itsuki no komoriuta – 五木の子守唄 "Odoma bon giri bon giri Bon kara sakya oran do" Discover the lullaby 'Itsuki no Komoriuta'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, a traditional Japanese lullaby from Itsuki-mura,Kumamoto Pref. AutumnEarly Autumn SongsLate Summer SongsSummer
Spring Koinobori (irakanonamito) "Iraka no nami to kumo no nami" Discover good old-fashioned Japan through lyrics and images: Roman readings, English translations, and reflections. Take a cultural journey through the melodies of "Doyo Shoka" (Children's Songs). Late Spring SongsSpring