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Autumn Songs Autumn

The arrival of autumn isn’t immediately apparent, but its presence can be sensed in the sound of the wind. Along with the slightly cooler breeze, mountains are painted with autumn colors, and golden ears of rice droop in the fields. Autumn is the season of harvest. In villages, festivals celebrating abundant crops are held, and amidst the sounds of drums and flutes, people give thanks for nature’s bounty.

Farmers who have finished harvesting rice celebrate the good harvest while praying for next year’s yield. Autumn in Japan is a time to reaffirm deep connections with nature. As days grow shorter and the sunset dyes the sky red, one might look up to see flocks of birds returning to the mountains.

Trees gradually shed their leaves, and a quietness envelops the earth. This subtle sense of melancholy gives rise to the phrase “autumn for art.” People go out to view the autumn leaves, enjoying the fleeting brilliance of autumn while being aware of the approaching winter, as they gaze at the red and yellow artistry.


Koujyou no tsuki – 荒城の月

"Haru kourou no hana no en" - Explore the hauntingly beautiful song 'Koujou no tsuki'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, think of the rise and fall, the ruins of old castles.

Aka tombo – 赤とんぼ

"Yuuyake koyake no aka tombo" - Explore the nostalgic 'Akatombo'. Discover its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, reflecting on red dragonflies and childhood memories.

Momiji – 紅葉

"Aki no yuuhi ni teru yama momiji" - Enjoy the colorful "maple leaves" that color the autumn with emotional melodies. Let's learn the lyrics, Roman readings and English translations, and talk about autumn leaves.

Sato no aki – 里の秋

"Shizuka na shizuka na sato no aki" Experience the tranquility of 'Sato no Aki'. Discover its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, depicting the quiet beauty of autumn in the countryside.

Ryoshuu- 旅愁

"Fukeyuku aki no yo tabi no sora no" - Experience the melancholic 'Ryoshuu'. Explore its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, capturing the sentiment of travel and homesickness.

Tsuki no sabaku – 月の沙漠

"Tsuki no sabaku wo haru baruto" Discover the poetic 'Tsuki no Sabaku'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, reflecting on a moonlit desert.

Kono michi – この道

"Kono michi wa itsuka kita michi" - Explore the nostalgic path of 'Kono Michi'. Discover its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, reflecting on a beloved road.

Nanatsu no ko – 七つの子

"Karasu naze nakuno" - Enjoy the heartfelt song 'Nanatsu no Ko'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, about a mother's love for her seven children.

Yuuhi – 夕日

"Ging-Ging-Gira-Gira, Yuuhi ga shizumu" Enjoy the calming song 'Yuuhi'. Discover its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, depicting the setting sun.

Makka na aki – まっかな秋

"Makka dana makka dana" - Celebrate the deep red of autumn with 'Makkana Aki'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, capturing the essence of a crimson fall.

Yuuyake koyake – 夕焼小焼

"Yuuyake koyake de higa kure te" - Experience the serene beauty of 'Yuyake Koyake'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, depicting the evening glow.

Tombo no megane – とんぼのめがね

"Tombo no megane wa mizuiro megane" - What kind of glasses is "Dragonfly Glasses"? Enjoy this playful song. See the lyrics, romanization, and English translation of Dragonfly's Glasses.

Jyuugoya otsukisan – 十五夜お月さん

"Juugoya" is said to be "the night to appreciate the harvest" in Japan, and there is a custom to celebrate while looking at the moon since ancient times."Otsuki-san" is used when referring to the moon in a friendly way.

Kakashi – かかし

"Yamada no naka no ippon ashi no kakashi" - Discover the deeper meaning behind the Japanese song "Kakashi." Explore its lyrics, Romanized readings, and English translations, unveiling the cultural and spiritual symbolism of the scarecrow in Japan’s agricultural heritage.

Mura matsuri – 村祭

"Mura no chinjyu no kamisama no" Experience the festive spirit of 'Mura Matsuri'. Learn its lyrics, Roman readings, and English translations, celebrating the village festival.