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Haru ga kita


Haru ga kita, haru ga kita, doko ni kita
Yama ni kita, sato ni kita, no ni mo kita

Hana ga saku, hana ga saku, doko ni saku
Yama ni saku, sato ni saku, no ni mo saku

Tori ga naku, tori ga naku, doko de naku
Yama de naku, sato de naku, no de mo naku


Spring has come

Spring has come, spring has come, where has it come?
It has come to the mountains, it has come to the villages, it has come to the fields.

Flowers bloom, flowers bloom, where do they bloom?
They bloom on the mountains, they bloom in the villages, they bloom in the fields.

Birds sing, birds sing, where do they sing?
They sing in the mountains, they sing in the villages, they sing in the fields.



The purpose of “Jinjo Shogaku Tokuhon Shouka,” the first attempt by the Ministry of Education in Japan that included this song, was to cultivate aesthetic sensitivity and moral character through easy-to-sing songs. In other words, it was created as a teaching material to enrich children’s sensibilities and help them grow into dignified individuals through language education. At that time, it was common to attach Japanese poems to foreign songs, but this “Jinjo Shogaku Tokuhon Shouka” was a new and ambitious attempt by Japanese lyricists and composers that drew attention.

Jinjyo shougaku tokuhon shouka

“Haru ga Kita” is one of the songs published in this book. The lyricist, Tatsuyuki Takano, was born in the snowy region of Okushinano, and his easy-to-understand words express the joy of the arrival of spring.

gousetsu chiiki

By singing the joy of the beginning of the Japanese seasons in spring, this masterpiece has been cherished as a representation of the Japanese sense of seasons.

haru noyama

By the way, of the total 27 songs enthusiastically supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, only “Haru ga kita” and “Ware wa uminoko” remain today.


▲Although GoogleMap does not show it, in reality you can get off at Iiyama Station on the Hokuriku Shinkansen Line from Tokyo Station (about 2 hours) and change to a cab to reach the TAKANO,Tatsuyuki Memorial Museum in about 20 minutes.


